in human relationships, there are people who are very dear to us or who assisted us in very complicated situation .
in return, we want to please them or be grateful by offering them something so special.
in these cases, we look around us, in a shop, or even on the internet for something special that we cannot find anywhere else.
we know well how to find it is becoming more and more rare these days. in either of these situations,
a 100% handmade object becomes a real gold mine to satisfy such a need.
100% handmade, our bags are the expression and prototype of works of the mind, designed, woven, and finished by hand.
it’s one of the best gifts of all kinds you can offer to your wife, girlfriend, sister, mom, co-worker, anyone you care about; and to yourself.
today’s technological development is accelerating the trend that everything must be industrialized to boost production and meet demand. thus, the human being gives up his spirit of creativity and authenticity to the machine by industrializing everything that can be useful to society. the intriguing side of this idea is that all industrialized objects, whatever the value attached to them, are absolutely identical to each other for having been manufactured by one or more machines on the basis of electrical energy configured at the same intensity to produce several identical objects having the same value.
in the field of fashion, this industrial trend also applies insofar as to manufacture a bag, since most designers do the cutting of the raw material by hand using scissors, but do the assembly which is the sewing using an electric machine although it is polished by an individual. and we call it handmade bag. after this observation, at TSALOYS, we developed the thought of producing modern bags using only our human energy through our ten fingers without a single moment involving a machine.
some Reasons to buy Handcrafted Gifts like Bags & Purses
- Handcrafted products always have a special story. They carry the emotions, efforts and the earnest small "optimisations" of the craftsman. That's what makes handcrafted beautiful.
- All our products are handcrafted with love. Every product stands for style and function, but carries an essence of our personal energy. They symbolise the rich cameroonian culture and traditional craft.
- Everyone loves handcrafted products. despite the fact that most people hedge for "machine finish". Yet, what's a gift without a story. After all, it is one of the most human thing we do. This includes gifting ourselves, which is a big form of gifting.
why must you buy Handcrafted Gifts from TSALOYS?
Each handcrafted product is unique
No two of our handmade products are exactly the same. All handcrafted products on our online store are handmade and not mass-produced. Thus, you will find a slight difference in every product and that makes each product unique. There’s always a slight difference in colour, texture, design of two handmade products.
If you plan to gift something to your loved one or to yourself, our store is the best place to pick a handcrafted gift. You are purchasing a product that nobody owns in the whole world. That makes it pretty special.
Handcrafted product supports our small business
When you buy handcrafted bags from us, you are actually supporting our small business.
The money you spend is directly supporting us to stay in the business.
As handcrafted products are made by hand, it creates jobs for many more people.
Apart from economy support, your purchase gives confidence to us as artisans.
It motivates us to develop new skills and re-invest into our small business so that we can keep making beautiful products.
Our Handcrafted products are durable and of great quality
Everyone wants products to last longer. Handcrafted products are ready when an expert calls it ready.
It is not machine declared ready. It takes much longer to make than those made on machines but it lasts for longer.
At TSALOYS, we go through a two part quality check process, once at the artisan’s side and once again at our packaging side.
our Handcrafted products also look real rather than formulated. They just seem more genuine.
It’s like how handmade coffee tastes better than a machine-made coffee.
our Handcrafted products are made by real people (artisan), not by machines
Handcrafted products have emotions. There is intricacy, that shows the fruit of the efforts that we put into the product.
They have warmth, coming from the love the artisan has put into the product.
It is an extension of us which means that we have left a part of ourselves in each item we make.
That perfect fold and the perfect stitch is a result of our artisan pushing a little extra to make handcrafted bags special.
They put their heart into making a beautiful bag. They then push themselves to better it when they make the next one.
The process is also intricate. A bag has so many steps and processes to be produced when they are being made,
it looks soo difficult to imagine what will be the next step to made it a finished usable bag.
But when it comes together, magic happens as you are seeing on the pictures.
us as craftsman we mainly think about people’s wants and needs and make products according to that.
There is true value when we say that only a human understands a human.
Each of our handcrafted product has its own story
Our artisans put a lot of time into creating a product that is beautiful, unique, and up to the trend.
They go through a lot of brainstorming before creating the actual product.
They patiently give shape to the product and then work even more to recreate the product over and over.
Also, each handcrafted product has something different, thus being unique.
Each product goes through a journey, before becoming a final product. Some options are dropped while other functionalities get picked.
A case-in-point is our handcrafted laptop bags, that have gone through many iterations in the past.
Buying handcrafted products keep crafts skills and tradition alive
In today’s virtual world, there’s something appealing about the products which are made by hand.
You are also helping us pass our skills to the next generation and keep the art and craft alive.
Handcrafted products show that you care
Gifting your loved is a special moment. You want to gift something that reminds them of that moment.
Many people mix special with expensive. However, price is only one of many things that makes a gift special.
For example, if you buy a birthday cake for your friend, they will be happy but if you bake the cake yourself, it is special
also the birthday cake wil be eaten the same day and in a few minutes so that the only thing that remains is the memory,
but when you buy a TSALOYS hancrated bag it last longer over time.